

  • Current mint phase is GROUP ONLY. You must hold a token from one of the registered groups to mint. If you hold the token in a cold wallet and want to mint from a hot wallet, we support Delegate Cash wallet delegation to mint on behalf of a token held in a cold wallet.

  • Current mint cost is 0ETH (free)


  • Visit in a browser with your wallet extension or the wallet in-app browser on your mobile device

  • Click the "CONNECT" button to start

  • Click the "MINT" link in the navigation bar

  • Check the box next to "JOIN A GROUP"

  • Select the group you wish to join from the drop down box

  • If you are using a hot wallet to join a group for a token held in a cold wallet, check the "USE A DELEGATE" checkbox and paste your cold wallet address in the box that appears. See Using DELEGATE.CASH for more information.

  • Click "MINT"

  • Confirm the transaction in your wallet

  • After your token is minted, you will see a new menu item for "MY TOKENS" - this will be where the event is played when it starts. You will select a token to see its stats, make your daily choices, and see your journal entries from actions that you have taken.

Last updated